Saturday, June 20, 2009

my opinion of blogging

Blog becomes important not only in our personal life but also in our business world. Before doing blog was just sharing thoughts and the way of expression. But now, it becomes one of our marketing, advertising and boosting business tools — every company has to have blog to show the company production schedule. I am a designer toy collector and subscribe few blogs from toy companies. I was reading one of the toys company in Hong Kong that it showed the toy's production schedule to let people who subscribe their news to get ready to pre-order their toy line. Some of the blogs are just linking different toy lines to attract viewers like this one.

On the other hand, blogging encourages people to expose their privacy and personal information (email address, phone number or even address) that may make them more vulnerable to crime, hackers for stealing our identities. Recently, I heard the news that people were addicted to Facebook and Twitter that they even told people (including some people they may not know) they were on vacation certain time, later on one of the subscribers got people broke in and rob their houses. I believe we should be more caution this day that people are taking advantage of those social networks and blogs for an illegal purposes. Have to be more caution this day when we are doing blogs. Technology not just makes us more convenient to be connected but also make us more vulnerable in some cases.

Besides, even though blogging is great way for communication, we should not use as an excuse of not having direct conversation to people we know. Blogging for me is a single channel of communicating without any interaction with others. We do not want to see in our next generation, people cannot communicate with others.

my blogging experience

First of all, I like blogging because I can share some of my thought openly. Share my artwork and get feedbacks from different people from other countries that is very exciting. For me, it feels like a virtual gallery and showcase. I remember I was more actively on the site called Illustration Friday. I posted a icon of my art and linked back to my blog, see my other blog: timafli, then you see how it works. People commented my art from other countries because that website is international. Every time I published sometimes new at the blog and I would have an expectation that people will look at it and give me some of their thoughts — it is very rewarding, feel like people are there somewhere. Besides my blog, I can also visit some other blogs such as my favorite artists: Ashley Wood and Barron Storey; travel blog: MyKugelhopf that I can see different beautiful scenery that really feels like being there. In the COIN classs, I was being able to learn to use Google Reader to subscribe all blogs together and I can see their updates together at the same time which I think it is the best function they have in Google.

As loog as podcast, this is my first baby step to do it and first time to do it with Garageband. It is a great experience. Having fun by recording my own voice and put one of my favorite songs to the podcast — it is very cool. Still having to control the music fading in and fading out technique that will take me some time to experiment it. I haven't had many multimedia experience, so it is the one I need to explore more in the future. The next step I will take would be learning to do video and become a 'amature filmmaker.'

Story at the illustration: A journal of the day I ate a sub at Subway for $6 and staring the window from the cafeteria looking outside to the golf course near my company.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In my journal

Tree studies. No time for words. Too busy

Friday, June 5, 2009

journal share

Recently, I have been busy working on my friend's web site but I found some leisure time when I take break at Starbucks during lunchtime. More like observation exercise when I am doing journals because sometimes life is dry, means become routine and needs to find some inspirations within my boundary. This is one of my happiness in life. Real life experience struggles with Pollock's inspiration is the focus of this journal page. This journal was drawn on Moleskine Journal book with pen and ink in addition to Japanese brush pen brought it from Mai Do.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

web site design for New Seeds Learning Center

Recently, I have an opportunity to start up a site for my friend's Chinese pre-school and learning Chinese as an second languages for kids — the school's name is New Seeds Learning Center, San Jose. I started up with a simple layout and enhanced with CSS. Address is 3680 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite E, San Jose, CA 95117. Phone: 408.518.2341. Email:

feedback of daily life

Just finishing the deadlines, it becomes slow at work. So I can do some journals. Think about putting something new in this blog. Recently, I am reading a graphic novel called "The Mystery Play" from Grant Morrison, illustrated by Jon J Muth. I haven't finished it but Muth's watercolor art was shocking me the most, the storyline is interesting and dark. Have to finish it before I give you review.